GRE to GMAT Conversion


GRE to GMAT Conversion

Tools such as GRE to GMAT conversion or even GMAT to GRE conversion help you compare scores between exams. You can use a GRE to GMAT score calculator to get an estimate of how your performance in the GRE would translate to an equivalent score in the GMAT and vice versa. Whether you convert GMAT score to GRE for admission purposes or convert GMAT to GRE to consider your options, these conversion tools give you a useful benchmark in choosing the right test.

Know conversion from GRE score to GMAT or GRE to GMAT score in case the program accepts scores of GRE and GMAT. Universally, the process in comparison is taken fairly due to the availability of a GMAT to GRE conversion tool. In some of the universities, such as Cornell, use conversion so that the alignment with standard GRE scores may be understandable even through a GMAT converter. Mastering the conversion of GRE to GMAT can help you determine which test you should focus on for your application.

If you want to GRE convert GMAT scores, here is where a GRE to GMAT calculator will come in handy. ETS's approach to converting GRE scores to GMAT ones will enable schools and applicants to score congruently. You can apply for a free GRE to GMAT conversion tool or an official ETS tool in order to assess your probable score. To provide accurate results, the GRE to GMAT score conversion calculator provides detailed comparisons of how your scores fare, thereby ensuring a seamless GMAT GRE score conversion process. This score calculator GMAT tool is, therefore, important for the applicant to evaluate both tests for admissions.

GRE to GMAT Score Calculator

The GRE to GMAT conversion and GMAT to GRE conversion is based on regression formulas that predict equivalent scores between the two tests. These formulas are derived from statistical correlations of performance in GRE and GMAT exams. Important GRE to GMAT conversion calculator:

GRE to GMAT Conversion Formula

The total GMAT score is computed from GRE Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning scores by the following formula:

  • Total score on the GMAT: -2080.75 + 6.38 Verbal GRE score +10.62 Quant GRE score
  • The regression formula offers an estimation performance in both GRE and GMAT exam.
  • Accuracy has a standard error of around ±50 points, so the predicted GMAT score can be off by as much as that.

Verbal: GRE and GMAT Conversion

  • Verbal GRE to GMAT score conversion calculator: GMAT Verbal Score = -109.49 + (0.912 × GRE Verbal Score)

Convert GRE to GMAT Score

  • Quant GRE to GMAT score conversion calculator: = -158.42 + 1.243 × GRE Quant Score

Convert GRE Score to GMAT Insight

These formulas give an approximate translation of your section scores in the GRE into the GMAT sections. Note that these tests evaluate different skills. The GMAT is business logic oriented, whereas the GRE has far wider academic scope.

Why Conversion is Imperfect

The scores for GRE Verbal and Quantitative range from 130 to 170, while the GMAT section scores range from 6 to 51.

The GMAT Focus Edition scores from 205 to 805, while the GRE offers individual section scores without a combined total.

Because the tests are so very different, even ETS-the company that administers the GRE-concedes that its conversion estimates are only estimates. Because of these factors, the abilities of different candidates and the specific uniqueness of the two tests can make it difficult to draw direct comparisons.

Bottom line: While helpful as a benchmark for drawing comparisons between GRE and GMAT scores, these conversion formulas should not be taken entirely literally. Instead, individual percentile ranks and requirements, as listed for the programmes you're applying to will be useful for planning ahead.

GRE to GMAT Conversion Calculator

For those in the graduate school application process, knowledge about the GMAT and GRE conversion can really work to an applicant's advantage. Here, calculators from GMAT to GRE and GRE to GMAT conversion calculators become helpful tools when evaluating scores across these tests. The ETS GRE to GMAT conversion tool provides the final, most authentic conversion that also makes the scores match GMAT standards. For instance, utilizing a conversion calculator, such as from ETS, gives the candidate an idea of what they will be occupying when getting into the rankings.

GRE Total Score GMAT Classic Score
340 800
338 790
336 780
334 760
332 740
330 730
328 710
326 690
324 670
322 660
320 640
318 620
316 610
314 590
312 570
310 560
308 540
306 520
304 500
302 490
300 470
298 450
296 440
294 420
292 400
290 390
288 370
286 350
284 330
282 320
280 300
278 280
276 270
274 250
272 230
270 220
268 200
266 200
264 200
262 200
260 200

Verbal GRE to GMAT Calculator

For graduate school, a GMAT and GRE conversion can be useful information. Most schools accept either score, so applicants look for tools such as a GMAT to GRE converter or GRE to GMAT conversion resources offered by ETS. With the ETS GRE to GMAT conversion, candidates can better understand their scores to ensure they meet program requirements, which can make it easier to determine which test best showcases strengths.

GRE Verbal GMAT Verbal
170 90
169 90
168 89
167 89
166 88
165 87
164 86
163 85
162 83
161 80
160 76
159 74
158 72
157 70
156 68
155 65
154 62
153 Below 50th Percentile
152 58
151 56
150 54
149 52
148 50
147 46
146 42
145 38
144 34
143 30
142 26
141 22
140 20
139 18
138 16
137 14
136 12
135 10
134 8
133 6
132 4
131 2
130 0

Quant: GRE to GMAT Score Conversion Calculator

Such a calculator would be very helpful for applicants who would want to compare their GRE scores with their GMAT equivalents. A GRE to GMAT score conversion calculator will help a test-taker understand the interpretation of his or her GRE scores on the GMAT scale, hence helping him assess which of the scores better supports his application. Using a score calculator, a GMAT test-taker can make better decisions, keeping his scores in line with admissions requirements, and maximize his chances of getting accepted.

GRE Quant GMAT Quant
170 90
169 90
168 89
167 89
166 88
165 87
164 86
163 85
162 83
161 80
160 76
159 74
158 72
157 70
156 68
155 67
154 66
153 60
152 Below 50th percentile
151 56
150 54
149 52
148 50
147 46
146 42
145 38
144 34
143 30
142 26
141 22
140 20
139 18
138 16
137 14
136 12
135 10
134 8
133 6
132 4
131 2
130 0

Our Teachers

G Ravindra Babu

Dr. G Ravindra Babu
Quant Faculty

Ph. D in Mathematics Asian International University|| Mathematics Professor at Gitam University || Ex-Mathematics Professor SRM University Amaravathi || MBA in finance Acharya Bangalore B School || GMAT Quant 51, CAT Quant 99.58 %tile, GRE Quant 170 || 21 Different Teaching Certification || Believe in “Education is the mother of leadership”

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Dr. Rengarajan Parthasarathy

Dr. Rengarajan Parthasarathy
CAT Faculty

Ph. D in Mathematics from YCM University|| Mathematics Professor at Symbiosis International|| Author of Business Ethics || Ex-CAT Exam Syllabus Advisor in IIM || MBA & MPM from Symbiosis International (Deemed University) || College Topper in Mathematics in Ferguson College || Six Scholarships in Mathematics || 15 Years CAT Coaching, GMAT Coaching and GRE Coaching Experience|| UGC NET Qualified || GMAT Q51, V38 & CAT Q 99.31 & DILR 99.38 %tile, GRE Quant 170 || Believe in “Higher Education Shapes The World.”

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Dr. Nisha Tejpal

Dr. Nisha Tejpal
Verbal & AWA Faculty

Ph. D in English || Published a paper in English in ‘Research Journal of Philosophy and Social Sciences’ || MCA and B.Ed CCS University || A subject expert in Verbal Teaching || 10,000 Plus Essays Analysis || CTET and NET Qualified || More than 15 years of Experience || A writer, Author and Poet || Believe in “Think Beyond the Universe”

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Dhrithi Khattar

Dhrithi Khattar
Verbal Faculty

A subject expert in Verbal Aptitude || More than 15 years of Experience || MBA in HR& Marketing & MA in Economics || Active Member of Hindu Alumni Association || Functional Member of Delhi ||Management Association (DMA) || Operational Member of All India Management Association (AIMA) ||The President of Key Club ||An active member of the French Club ||Gold Seal from California Scholarship Federation.

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M. U. Mir

M. U. Mir
DILR & Quant Faculty

A subject expert in Quantitative Aptitude Training || GMAT Q 51 & CAT DILR 99.75 %tile || GATE 2020 Qualified || M. Tech & B. Tech University Toper (1st Rank) || Awarded by Gov of Odisha, Bihar and J& K for the project Magnetic Floating Model || Ex-Quant Subject Expert in Arihant Publication || An Educationist and Social Worker || Believe in “Education is power”

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M. U. Mir

C. S. Rajawat
CAT Faculty

M. A in Mathematics CCS University|| M. Tech from SRM University || Visiting Mathematics Faculty CCS University ||Experience of 11 Years of CAT Coaching || District Topper in 10th & 12th || Best Teacher Awardee in 2021 & 2022 || CAT Quant 99.43 %tile || Discovered a new Theorem based on HCF in Math || Founder of C. S. Classes ||Believe in “Teaching and Training is an Art.”

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Dr. S.K. Singh

Dr. S.K. Singh

Ph. D. English Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University || Delhi & Center Government School Mentor || Founder of Entrepreneur & Learning Startup || IELTS & CELTA Certified from British Council || PTE Certified from Pearson...

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Rishabh Arora

Rishabh Arora

MBA in HR International Institute of Management Sciences || PTE Certified from Pearson Test of English|| IELTS & CELTA Certified from British Council || BCA from Integral University || PTE 87 in 2017, IELTS 8.5 in 2018

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Jyoti Joshi

Jyoti Joshi
IELTS Trainer

Master in English (MA) and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) || Certified Trainer || IELTS Speaking 9.0 Band holder || Believe in “Great teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning”

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Surbhi Arora

Surbhi Arora
IELTS / PTE Expert

English Language Expert || More than 3 years of Experience || M.A plus B. Ed Delhi University ||Author, Writer & Classical Singer|| Believe in “Language Language Learning & Teaching is Fun”

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Dilip Kumar Rathore
Quant Trainer

A business developer and genius in mathematics || Highly experienced || Master in Maths || well-verse in IT || Believe in “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discover”

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Imaam Hasan

Imaam Hasan
Communication Expert

Master in English || Journalist and writer || Certified IELTS & PTE Trainer || A social educater and influencer || Believe in “Education is the movement from darkness to light”

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