GMAT Focus Edition is a refresh of the traditional GMAT test or Business School Exam, focusing on providing a more niche view of the skill sets business schools consider for MBA admissions. It simplifies testing by only including some key areas, effectively getting rid of others that are less critical, making it a faster and more focused test that today's test-taker requires. Here are the chief takeaways on the GMAT Focus Edition and GMAT Focus Sections.

1. Shortened period

The GMAT Focus Edition is approximately 45 minutes shorter than the previous version, reducing the exam duration from 3 hours and 7 minutes to 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Three Core GMAT Focus Sections: The GMAT Focus Format includes three sections, which focus on the skills most important to business school:

  • ⮚ Quantitative Reasoning: Measures your ability to analyze data and solve quantitative problems.
  • ⮚ Verbal Reasoning: Tests critical reasoning and reading comprehension.
  • ⮚ Data Insights: A new section that integrates aspects of integrated reasoning, where the task is focused on interpreting data, analyzing graphs, and solving real-world business problems.

2. GMAT focus exam Scoring System

The new scoring range is from 205 to 805; it is weighted equally as opposed to the scoring system in previous GMAT whereby different sections had different weightings. Additionally, individual section of GMAT Focus is from 60 to 90 on the other hand GMAT had two parts of scoring: Verbal and Quant (6 to 51), IR (1 to 8), and AWA (0 to 6).

  • Question Review and Revision: A new feature allows test-takers to review and change answers to up to three questions per section during the exam, providing more flexibility and control.
  • Elimination of Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA): The essay section has been removed in the Focus Edition, reducing the total exam duration and emphasizing the skills more directly relevant to MBA programs.
  • Simple Text: Certain topics and questions, less relevant to success in business school, have been deprioritized or eliminated, ensuring that the exam will focus on such critical skills as data-driven decision-making, problem-solving, and communication.
  • Flexibility in Testing: Like the traditional GMAT, the Focus Edition can be taken at testing centers or on line, giving the test taker additional options based on their location and preference.

3. Why the GMAT Focus Edition?

The idea behind this revised GMAT is an acknowledgment of the needs of modern MBA programs and business careers and the more efficient ways an applicant experience can be had through this new test. Focusing on core competencies in quantitative analysis, verbal reasoning, and data interpretation, the GMAT Focus Edition is a more direct measure of the skills needed for success in the modern business environment.

  • Suitable for: The application pool features candidates looking into MBA or other graduate-level business programs, in search of an exam that reflects better the characteristics of learning needed to conquer today's business environment.

GMAT Focus Sections

The GMAT Focus Sections have been redesigned to focus on the key skills business schools appreciate most while eliminating less essential content. Here is how the syllabus for the three main sections of the GMAT Focus Edition breaks down:

1. Verbal Reasoning

GMAT focus verbal section appraises a student's ability to read, comprehend, evaluate, and correct written material. Critical reasoning is also measured.

Key Topics:

  • RC GMAT focus format: Reading comprehension of passages covering topics such as business, social sciences, and natural sciences through Identifying the main idea, the supporting ideas, inference, and structure questions.
  • CR GMAT Focus Format: Evaluating arguments, identifying assumptions, drawing conclusions, and strengthening or weakening arguments, Defects in reasoning and parallel reasoning.

2. Quantitative Reasoning

This section assesses your ability to think mathematically, solve quantitative problems, and analyze graphical data. It includes questions based on algebra, arithmetic, and word problems. Key Topics:

Arithmetic GMAT focus format
⮚ Properties of Numbers
⮚ Fractions and Decimals
⮚ Percentages
⮚ Ratios and Proportions
⮚ Averages
⮚ Absolute Values
⮚ Exponents and Roots
⮚ Powers
⮚ Simple and Compound Interest
⮚ Speed, Time, and Distance
⮚ Work Problems

Algebra GMAT focus format
Quadratic Equations
Linear Equations
Exponents and Radicals
Word Problems Involving Algebra
Algebraic Expressions
Absolute Value Equations

3. Data Insights GMAT focus format

This section combines aspects of integrated reasoning and data interpretation, evaluating your ability to analyze and derive conclusions from complex data sets presented in various formats.

Key Topics:

Multi-Source Reasoning
Data Interpretation
Table Analysis
Two-Part Analysis
Graphic Representation

What's New in the GMAT Focus Edition?

  • ✓ Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA): Removed, so no essay-writing section.
  • ✓ Facilitated Syllabus: Some topics and types of questions have been eliminated or de-emphasized to focus on the core skills most relevant for success in an MBA programme.
  • Review and Change Question A feature that enables you to review and change up to 3 answers per section, making your approach more flexible during the exam.

GMAT Exam Sign Up

To enroll for the GMAT Focus Edition or GMAT exam sign up, do the following:

Step 1: Register for Your GMAT Account

  • Visit the official GMAT website:
  • If you are visiting first time to, you need to sign up. In case of completion, proceed to log in. Provide your personal details such as name, email, date of birth, and other necessary information to complete the registration process.

Step 2: Select the GMAT Focus Edition

After logging in, proceed to the 'Exams' section. Click on GMAT Focus Edition as your exam option.

Step 3: Choose Test Center or Online Exam

You choose the test center, either a physical site or your home and location, at which you wish to take the GMAT Focus Edition. For test centers, you'll have to choose a location based on availability in your area. Always check technical specifications before taking the online examination. The online exam has specified technical requirements, which can be checked on their website.

Step 4: GMAT focus test dates

After selecting your preferred test mode, you’ll be prompted to choose a test date and time from the available slots. You can filter by dates and times based on your availability.

Step 5: Pay the Exam Fee

The registration fee for the GMAT Focus Edition is typically around $275, though this might vary based on your location. A credit card, debit card, or other mode of payment available on the platform may be used in completing the payment process.

Step 6. Verifying and preparing

Once you’ve successfully paid, you’ll receive a confirmation email with your test details (location or online exam instructions). Download the GMAT Official Guide or other prep materials for the GMAT Focus Edition and begin.

GMAT Exam Time Table

The GMAT Focus Edition can be taken on almost any date: It offers flexibility for test-takers to be able to choose a wide range of dates available throughout the year. Unlike some standardized exams that are offered several times annually, the GMAT is available on-demand at physical test centers as well as online.

GMAT Focus Edition Time Table
Total Duration Approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Quantitative Reasoning: 45 minutes
Verbal Reasoning: 45 minutes
Data Insight: 45 minutes
Break: Optional: 8 Minutes

  • ✤ GMAT Exam Dates: The GMAT Focus Edition is available year-round, and you can schedule your exam based on your preferred date and time.
  • ✤ Test Center Exam: Available year-round at various test centers worldwide. You can see the dates and times, though by logging into your GMAT account at and selecting a test center location. Dates vary depending on the locations, but most of the test centers provide multiple dates per month.
  • ✤ Online GMAT Focus Edition: Available year-round as well. The test is offered from home, and dates and times are available on a rolling basis. To book, log into your GMAT account and choose the online exam option, then select from available dates.

GMAT Focus Edition vs GMAT

The GMAT Focus Edition and the GMAT Classic involve almost identical formats, with the former being designed to test the skills needed by students for accomplishment in MBA and business courses, but with many crucial updates in form: making the test more streamlined and presently aligned to actual business needs. Here you are with GMAT v/s GMAT Focus:

1. Form of Examination and Duration:

GMAT Focus Edition GMAT Classic
Quantitative Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning
Section Verbal Reasoning Verbal Reasoning
Data Insights Integrated Reasoning
Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA)
Duration 2 hours 15 minutes 3 hours 7 minutes
Break Optional: 8-minute Optional: 8-minute

2. Section Breakdown

  • Quantitative Reasoning: The two editions have Quantitative Reasoning; however, the Focus Edition version has a similar level of difficulty but with fewer questions.
  • Oral Ability: The oral ability in both editions is quite comparable with respect to reading, critical reasoning, and sentence correction.

Data Insights vs. Integrated Reasoning:

  • Focus Edition Data Insights combines the classic Integrated Reasoning with some elements of data interpretation from the Quant section, making the section more relevant to business data interpretation and analysis.
  • On Integrated Reasoning in the Traditional GMAT, it is dealt with as an entire section by focusing on complex data analysis.

Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA):

  • GMAT Focus Edition lacks the essay section to reduce the length of the test.
  • GMAT Classic has a 30-minute essay (AWA) section that assesses your ability to analyze an argument.

3. Scoring System

Feature GMAT Focus Edition GMAT Classic.

Score Range 205–805 200–800.

Section Weighting Each section contributes equally to the overall score Verbal and Quant sections are weighted more heavily, with Integrated Reasoning and AWA having separate scores.

Sub-Scores Focus Edition reports only one score for all three sections GMAT Classic provides separate scores for Quant, Verbal, AWA, and Integrated Reasoning.

4. Flexibility with Answer Review

Feature GMAT Focus Edition GMAT Classic.

Answer Review and Change Let you review and even change up to three questions per section in an exam No option to review or change answers once submitted.

5. Exam Content Focus

GMAT Focus Edition: Skill Emphasis Focuses more on core skills like data analysis, critical reasoning, and quantitative problem-solving with less content overlap between sections Covers a broader range of topics, including essay writing and integrated reasoning but may overlap with other section content.

GMAT Classic: Section-adaptive (the difficulty adjusts based upon your performance within each section).Section-adaptive, with more individual variation between sections.

GMAT focus vs GMAT difficulty

When comparing the GMAT Focus Edition to the traditional GMAT (GMAT Classic), the broad difficulty is the same, but the setup and approach of each test differ from each other. The diagram below explains the difference in difficulty between both versions:

1. Exam Pattern and Duration

GMAT Focus GMAT Classic
Shorter, at 2 hours and 15 minutes, has three sections: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Data Insights. Remove the Analytical Writing Assessment and the Integrated Reasoning section, simplifying the form and eliminating the essay-writing requirement. Each section is more focused, but requires a high level of proficiency, particularly in data analysis and interpretation. The shorter duration may reduce fatigue but increases the pressure to perform well within a limited time. Longer, at 3 hours and 7 minutes, with four sections: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and AWA.
Supports more question types, including the essay and integrated reasoning, which contributes complexity and demands a variety of skills.
The additional time can help distribute your focus across various sections but also leads to higher endurance requirements.
In-depth Difficulty Insight: The Focus Edition is more streamlined but may feel more intense, as the test time has been shortened and sections are condensed. The Classic tests a much greater range of skills and therefore may feel drawn out.

2. Quantitative Reasoning

GMAT Focus GMAT Classic
The Quantitative Reasoning section is similar to the classic version, requiring strong math skills, problem-solving abilities, and data sufficiency analysis.
The difficulty level of individual questions remains the same, but time management is more critical due to the shortened exam.
Of similar difficulty in the quantitative questions, though the Classic contains a higher amount of material to review and a somewhat longer overall test time, giving a little breathing room to pace.
Difficulty Insight: The quant difficulty is roughly similar for both editions but with fewer questions and a much shorter time frame in the Focus Edition, efficient problem-solving becomes crucial.

3. Verbal Reasoning

GMAT Focus GMAT Classic
The Verbal Reasoning section has reading comprehension, critical reasoning as well as sentence correction, just like the Classic version.
Like Quant, the content is concise, and time management and concentration are even more essential.
The Verbal section is similarly challenging, but the longer exam structure in the Classic may give test-takers a bit more breathing room for pacing.
Difficulty Insight: The verbal difficulty is comparable in both versions; however, the shorter time in the Focus Edition makes it a more challenging test.

4. Data Insights vs. Integrated Reasoning

GMAT Focus GMAT Classic
This new Data Insights section is more apt for MBA candidates, drawing from the realms of data interpretation, problem-solving, and integrated reasoning. It clusters the quantitative and reasoning-based skills together in one section.
Data Insights is harder than Integrated Reasoning because it demands the application of quantitative, logical, and data analysis skills all at once; it is quite a complete test of decision-making.
Integrated Reasoning: This is similar in nature, but its focus is narrower namely on reading into charts, graphs, and tables. It has its own scoring scale so that it will add less directly to your total score.
Difficulty Insight: The Data Insights section in the Focus Edition is more demanding due to its combination of skills, whereas Integrated Reasoning in the Classic is more specific and counts less toward the final score.

5. Flexibility on Question Review

GMAT Focus GMAT Classic
Enables you to revisit and modify up to three answers in each section, easing the pressure and giving you the opportunity to rethink critical questions. This flexibility can definitely make it easy for those committing mistakes when put under pressure, offering a safeguard in the examination. Does not allow review or change of answers once submitted for higher rigidity pressure when committing to an answer. Difficulty Insight: The Focus Edition offers more flexibility in answering, which can lower stress and reduce difficulty for some test-takers.

6. Scoring and Weighting of Sections

GMAT Focus GMAT Classic
Scores are between 205 and 805 and include all portions evenly in calculating the total score.
This makes it important to perform consistently well across all sections.
Scores range from 200 to 800, but again, the AWA and Integrated Reasoning sections are scored separately and don't count toward your total overall score.
In the Classic version, Verbal and Quant carry more weight on your final score, therefore, you can focus on doing better in these sections.
Difficulty Insight: Focus Edition requires parity of attention to all sections; the classic is more chunked out towards Quant and Verbal, with greater flexibility in Integrated Reasoning and AWA.


GMAT Focus GMAT Classic
GMAT Focus Edition can feel more intense due to its shorter duration and comprehensive Data Insights section, but the ability to review and change answers may ease the pressure for some test-takers. GMAT Classic has a more extensive package of sections, including even an essay, making it much more comprehensive and, therefore, probably more time-consuming and exhausting.

Note: In terms of difficulty, both versions are testing the same material, but the Focus Edition is much more targeted and streamlined, which could be slightly more difficult than the Classic version, where one can thrive on a longer and more detailed exam structure.

GMAT focus to GMAT conversion

Although the GMAT Focus Edition has a scoring range slightly different from its traditional version, the GMAT Classic, it can sometimes be hard to directly convert scores between the tests. A GMAT Focus Edition scores between 205-805 while a GMAT Classic scores from 200-800. Still, the skills measured are basically the same as the ones for Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning.

1. General Scoring Comparisons:

  • GMAT Focus Edition scores (205–805) are shifted upwards by 5 points compared to GMAT Classic (200–800). This means that a 700 on the GMAT Classic would likely correspond to around a 705-710 on the GMAT Focus Edition.

  • Given that both tests measure similar skills in Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning, the performance in these sections would likely produce comparable percentile rankings between the two versions.

2. Weighting Equal Sections in GMAT Focus Edition

  • In the GMAT Focus Edition, the three sections equally weigh up to obtain the final score.

  • Quantitative Reasoning: 60 - 90
    Verbal Reasoning: 60 - 90
    Data Insight: 60 - 90

    In comparison, the GMAT Classic gives Verbal and Quantitative sections greater weight than is assigned to Integrated Reasoning and AWA (Analytical Writing Assessment).

  • This means that students of the Focus Edition will outperform those who sit for the Classic GMAT by a huge margin because IR and AWA do not significantly contribute to the overall score of the Classic GMAT.

3. Percentile Rankings

Per centile rankings — that is, 90th percentile, 80th percentile — should be very similar between the two tests because both of them measure performance against a comparable pool of candidates. For instance, if you rank in the 90th percentile on the GMAT Focus Edition, it would reasonably translate to rank in the 90th percentile on the GMAT Classic, even though your numerical score might be off slightly.

GMAT Focus Edition Scoring

GMAT Focus Edition Percentile
805 100%
755 100%
715 99%
705 98%
655 91%
605 72%
555 49%
505 28%
455 15%
405 7%
355 3%
305 1%
255 0%
205 0%

GMAT Classic Scoring Pattern

GMAT Percentile
800 99%
750 98%
700 86%
650 68%
600 47%
550 31%
500 20%
450 12%
400 7%
350 4%
300 2%
250 1%
200 0%

Individual GMAT Focus Edition Scoring

DI Percentile
90 100%
85 98%
80 84%
75 48%
70 21%
65 8%
60 4%
V Percentile
90 100%
85 94%
80 57%
75 18%
70 4%
65 1%
60 1%
Q Percentile
90 100%
85 88%
80 64%
75 32%
70 12%
65 3%
60 1%

GMAT Focus Edition Books

The GMAT Focus Edition is structured around three main areas: DI (Data Insight), VR (Verbal Reasoning), and QR (Quantitative Reasoning). For your GMAT Focus Edition study, you can use a mix of newly revised official resources as well as best-selling GMAT prep books for each section. Here's the recommended book list per section of the GMAT Focus Edition:

1. GMAT Focus Edition Quantitative Reasoning

  • GMAT Official Guide 2024 – Focus Edition (GMAC): This study guide is the most current source for the Focus Edition and includes practice questions and solutions that will be targeted specifically in the new format.

  • Manhattan Prep GMAT Quantitative Strategy Guide: GMAT Advanced Quant (Manhattan Prep): The series covers all the important Quant topics, including number properties, word problems, and geometry, with comprehensive explanations and practice questions. It's a go-to resource for mastering the Quant section.

  • GMAT Advanced Quant (Manhattan Prep): For more advanced students, this book focuses on higher-level quant problems. It's excellent for those who already have a good grasp of basics but want to push their Quant skills to an elite level.

  • Kaplan GMAT Math Workbook: Kaplan's workbook comprises a good number of questions, drills, and review materials for all quant topics. It is ideal for both beginners and anyone interested in refreshing their knowledge on basic math concepts.

2. GMAT Focus Edition Verbal Reasoning

  • ⮚ GMAT Official Guide 2024 – Focus Edition: This official guide includes newly updated practice questions, explanations, and strategies specifically tailored for the Focus Edition's Verbal section.

  • ⮚ Manhattan Prep GMAT Verbal Strategy Guide: This is a broad-spectrum guide on the Verbal section: grammar rules for sentence correction, techniques to solve critical reasoning questions, and reading comprehension techniques.

  • ⮚ The PowerScore GMAT Critical Reasoning Bible: One of the best resources for critical reasoning. It teaches how to approach and break down logical arguments, a key skill in the Verbal section.

  • ⮚ GMAT Verbal Review (Official Guide): A focused guide from GMAC just for the Verbal section. If you need more than enough official practice questions, this is a great resource by using your main guide.

  • ⮚ Kaplan GMAT Verbal Workbook: It provides a comprehensive collection of verbal practice questions, drills, and strategy explanations for sentence correction, reading comprehension, and critical reasoning.

3. GMAT Focus Edition Data Insights

  • GMAT Official Guide 2024 – Focus Edition: The new guide contains the practice questions for the Data Insights section, making it the best place to start with this new format.

  • Manhattan Prep GMAT Integrated Reasoning & Essay: Although the GMAT Focus Edition no longer includes an essay section, this book offers a rich selection of material on integrated reasoning, overlapping with the Data Insights section. It puts you to work with tables, graphs, and multi-source reasoning.

  • Kaplan GMAT Integrated Reasoning Practice Questions: Though marked for Integrated Reasoning, this resource provides strong practice in interpreting charts, tables, and multi-source data; these will serve you well in the Data Insights section.

  • GMAT Data Sufficiency Prep: Kaplan Data Sufficiency questions are part of the Quant and Data Insights sections. This book provides strategies and practice on data sufficiency questions that is critical for success in Data Insights.

4. General Study Plans and Practice

  • GMAT Official Advanced Questions: Offers more challenging GMAT problems across both quant and verbal sections, including additional data sufficiency and verbal reasoning questions.

  • Manhattan Prep Complete GMAT Strategy Guide: All sections have books on the comprehensive set, and this is a nice all-in-one, comprehensive study tool. It contains strategies, detailed problem-solving techniques, and plenty of practice questions.

  • GMAT Focus Edition Practice Exams (by GMAC): Do some practice tests to practice with the new GMAT format. Then, GMAC gives you official practice test information, imitating the real exam, so you could practice timing and pacing in all the sections.

GMAT Focus Edition Online Resources

  • ⮚ Verbalhub Prep Resources: You can get topic-wise practice questions, video solutions, sectional questions and full tests.

  • ⮚ GMAT Official Guide Online Question Bank: Provides access to more practice questions with customizable quizzes to focus on weak areas.

  • Magoosh GMAT Online Prep Online video lessons and practice questions focused on quant and verbal strategies, so their Data Insights prep materials should be helpful as well.

GMAT Focus Edition FAQ

What is the GMAT focus edition?

The GMAT Focus Edition is fresh transform of GMAT exam, which has been restructured to streamline the test with a focus on three core sections: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Data Insights. It eliminates the essay and integrated reasoning sections, shortens the exam duration to 2 hours 15 minutes, and allows test-takers to review and change up to three answers per section. The scoring range is 205-805, and the exam emphasizes the skills most relevant to business school success.

Should I take GMAT or GMAT focus?

There is no option of GMAT classic. It is only GMAT Focus Edition.

How long is GMAT focus?

The GMAT Focus Edition is about 2 hours and 15 minutes long and has less length than a normal GMAT exam.

How much is the GMAT?

The cost of the GMAT is generally 275 USD; however, this can vary slightly by location or if you're taking the test at a center as opposed to sitting at home. In addition, there are rescheduling, cancellation, and sending scores to more schools than originally selected fees.

What is a GMAT test?

GMAT, or the Graduate Management Admission Test or business school exam, is a standard examination for entry into business schools around the world for an MBA, and other graduate programs.

Our Teachers

G Ravindra Babu

Dr. G Ravindra Babu
Quant Faculty

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Dr. Rengarajan Parthasarathy

Dr. Rengarajan Parthasarathy
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Dr. S.K. Singh

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