Why Reading Material Sources Important for CAT Exam Preparation for CAT 2025
1. To Familiar With Diverse Topic
- Content & Topic Range: CAT Exam covers a wide range of subjects that add economics, sociology, science, philosophy, literature, and more. Wide range of topics and content reading exposes you to different writing styles, terminologies, and concepts and help you become more comfortable with the diverse topics that can appear in the exam.
- Familiarity of Complex Ideas: Consistent Reading of complex topics helps in understanding and analyzing difficult passages during the exam and in reducing the time needed to grasp the main ideas.
Note: To familiar with diverse topics, "The Penguin Book of Modern Indian Essays" edited by Ruskin Bond is the best books for CAT preparation 2025.
2. To Improve Comprehension Skills
- Active Reading: Involvement in multitude reading materials enhances your ability to comprehend the meaning of complex texts, draw inferences, and understand the author’s tone and intent that are tested in the RC section of the CAT Exam.
- Relevant words-meaning enhancement: Consistency in reading helps you face new words in context, which not only expands your range of vocabulary but also helps you understand unfamiliar words during the exam without needing a dictionary.
Note: To improve comprehension skills, "The Best American Essays" series is best book for CAT.
3. To Develop Critical Thinking
- Argument Analysis: The CAT RC includes passages that present arguments or opinions. Going through argumentative essays, editorials, and opinion pieces brush up your ability to identify the main arguments, assumptions, and conclusions in the text.
- Finding the Message: To read between the lines it requires routine reading habit and make it easier to answer questions that require you to infer meaning or deduce the author’s intentions.
Note: To develop critical thinking, "The Oxford Book of Essays" edited by John Gross is one of the best CAT preparation books.
4. To Familiar With Author’s Technique
- Various Styles: Narrative, descriptive, argumentative, and expository are the styles that are includes in CAT exam. By reading a variety of materials, you become adept at understanding and analyzing texts regardless of the author’s style by reading a variety of CAT exam study material.
- Tone Understanding: Catching the tone, bias, and perspective of the author is important for correct answer of RC. Routine reading enables you to quickly identify these aspects in a passage.
Note: To familiar with author’s technique. "The Norton Reader: An Anthology of Nonfiction" is one of the best CAT exam preparation books.
5. To Balance Reading Speed
- Reading Speed: The CAT exam is a time-bound exam, and reading speed plays a crucial role in completing the RC section in time. Routine reading practice enables to be with all the sentence without missing the meaning of the sentence.
- Time Distribution: Exposure to varied reading materials helps you develop a sense of how much time to spend on different types of passages and enables you to allocate your time more effectively during the exam.
Note: To balance reading speed, "The Great Ideas" series by Mortimer J. Adler is one of the best books for CAT preparation.
6. To Get Confidence in Reading
- Increased Comfort Level: Regular reading reduces the anxiety associated with encountering difficult or unfamiliar topics during the exam.
- Confidence Building: Familiarity with a wide range of topics and writing styles boosts your confidence and you are less likely to be thrown off by challenging RC passages that allows you to approach the exam with greater confidence.
Note: To get confidence in reading, "How to Read Better and Faster" by Norman Lewis is one of the best Common Admission Test books.
The Best Books for CAT Preparation 2025
If you are fully determined that your goal is to secure highest percentile in the exam and get admission to a top business college, then without the right books selection, the dream will not come true. The best books for CAT preparation 2025 is going to ease your path of CAT preparation. Let us discuss some key indicators that will help you to select books for CAT preparation
Aptitude Book for CAT
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension is main section of English aptitude for CAT and English (VARC: Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension) is first section of CAT exam. These are CAT preparation books for beginners to Advanced level of CAT Preparation. These books are regarded as the best study material for CAT and the most popular ones are Arun Sharma cat exam book and Arun Sharma CAT preparation books. However, some best CAT books:
- How to Prepare for VARC the CAT by A Sharma & M Upadhyay.
- VARC For the CAT by N Sinha.
- The final-year understudies must give their bachelor's degree certificate and check sheet by the conclusion of the confirmation year.
The Best Book for CAT Quantitative Aptitude
Maths is known as quantitative aptitude (QA) is second section of CAT exam after VARC. QA is all about rules and formulas hence learning and implementation are equally crucial hence you must be cautious while picking the best book for CAT quantitative aptitude. The most famous ones are Arun Sharma cat exam book and Arun Sharma CAT preparation books. However, these CAT exam study material can followed:
- Sharma’s Quantitative Aptitude for CAT Exam.
- Abhijit Guha’s Quantitative Aptitude.
- Sarvesh Verma’s Quantitative Aptitude for CAT exam.
- NCERT Mathematics books (Class 9-10).
The Best book for Logical Reasoning CAT
Reasoning is known as DILR (Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning) is third section of CAT exam after VARC and QA. As this section also shares equal weightage to other two section, only the best book for logical reasoning CAT can solve the purpose. Again, Arun Sharma logical reasoning or Arun Sharma DILR is more than sufficient for CAT preparation and is the first choice. However, some best book for DILR CAT:
- RS Agarwal’s Logical Reasoning.
- Arun Sharma’s Logical Reasoning.
- Arun Sharma’s Data Interpretation.
- Nishit Sinha’s LRDI.
Main Sections of CAT Exam
- Quantitative Aptitude (QA).
- Verbal Ability (VA).
- Reading Comprehension (RC).
- Data Interpretation (DI).
- Logical Reasoning (LR).
CAT preparation books offer:
- Conceptual explanations.
- Practice exercises.
- Mock tests.
- Sectional tests.
- Strategies for time management and question-solving.
Popular CAT preparation book authors include:
- Arun Sharma’s cat exam and preparation books.
- Nishit K. Sinha.
- Ajay Singh.
- Sarvesh K. Verma.
- Ananta Ashram.
Top publishers of CAT preparation books are:
- Arihant Publications (Arihant books for CAT).
- Pearson Education.
- McGraw-Hill Education.
- Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
- Wiley India.
When choosing CAT Preparation Books, Consider Factors like:
- Syllabus coverage.
- Difficulty level.
- Practice exercises.
- Author expertise.
- Reviews and ratings.
Some Additional Resources that you must follow if you are in the preparation of CAT exam from first or second year of your graduation. You should add CAT fiction books, CAT fantasy books plus good CAT books and CAT novels. Topics that are tested in CAT exam and list of the best books for CAT exam to deal with the topics are following.
1. Topics of Economics and Business
- Market trends and economic theories.
- Globalization and its effects.
- Business ethics and corporate governance.
- Startups and entrepreneurship.
- Economic policies and their impact.
The books for CAT exam for Economics and Business
- Written by S. Blank & B. Dorf “The Startup Owner's Manual”
- Written by J.E. Stiglitz “Globalization and Its Discontents”
- Written by N. G. Mankiw “Essentials of Economics”
- “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance”
- Written by R. Sing “Indian Economy”
Why you should read: For those interested in entrepreneurship, this book is a practical guide to starting and scaling a business. It covers everything from market research to business strategies, making it valuable for understanding the startup ecosystem.
Why you should read: To know the broader economic and business trends that shape the global market, this is essential book that offers critical insights into the effects of globalization on economies around the world.
Why you should read: To know the introduction to economic theories and market trends, this is crucial book that covers fundamental concepts in microeconomics and macroeconomics and make it easier to understand market dynamics and economic policies.
Why you should read: To know the principles that guide businesses in a globalized world, which is a key area in CAT preparation, this is worthy book delves into the ethical aspects of business practices and corporate governance.
Why you should read: To know globalization, economic theories, and policies that are crucial for understanding business environments, this is important book that provides a comprehensive overview of the Indian economy, including current economic trends, policies, and issues.
2. Topics of Sociology and Society
- Gender issues and feminism
- Caste and class systems
- Social justice and equality
- Urbanization and its challenges
- Cultural diversity and social integration
Common Admission Test Books of Sociology and Society
- Written by I. Piller "Cultural Diversity and Social Integration”
- Written D. Harvey "Social Justice and the City"
- Written S. S. Jodhka "Caste in Contemporary India"
- Written S. Rege "Gender and Society"
- H & H "Sociology: Themes and Perspectives"
Why you should read: To know how cultural differences are negotiated in multicultural societies, this is leading book that examines the dynamics of cultural diversity and how different societies manage social integration.
Why you should read: Harvey’s book focuses on urbanization and its impact on social justice. It explores how cities can both perpetuate and challenge inequalities, making it a crucial read for those interested in the urbanization aspect of sociology.
Why you should read: To know the complexities of caste in Indian society, this is helpful book that provides an in-depth analysis of the caste system in modern India and explores its implications on social justice and equality.
Why you should read: This book offers deep insights into gender issues and feminism in the Indian context. It examines the interplay between gender and societal structures, making it valuable for understanding feminist perspectives and gender equality.
Why you should read: To have a strong foundation in understanding the structure of society and its various challenges, this is important book that is a comprehensive resource on various sociological themes, including class, caste, gender issues, and social justice.
3. Topics of Science and Technology
- Advances in technology
- Environmental science and sustainability
- Space exploration and astronomy
- Scientific discoveries and their implications
- Medical advancements and public health
The Best CAT Books of Topics of Science and Technology
- "The Gene: An Intimate History”
- "Astrophysics for People in a Hurry" by Neil deGrasse Tyson
- "The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History" by Elizabeth Kolbert
- "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind"
- "The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution"
Why you should read: To know the medical advancements and ethical questions posed by modern science, this is worthy book that explores the history of genetics and biotechnology and covers the implications of genetic research on medicine and public health.
Why you should read: This book provides a concise yet comprehensive overview of space exploration and astronomy. Tyson’s explanations make complex topics accessible, making it an excellent resource for understanding space science.
Why you should read: To know the environmental challenges we face and the role of science in addressing them, this very informative book that focuses on environmental science and sustainability and discusses the ongoing sixth extinction caused by human activity.
Why you should read: While not purely a science book, "Sapiens" covers the intersection of science, technology, and society. It explores how scientific discoveries have shaped human history and continue to influence our future, including topics like biotechnology and AI.
Why you should read: To know the evolution of technology and its impact on society, this is important book that offers a deep dive into the history of technology, focusing on the innovators behind advancements in AI, robotics, and the digital revolution.
4. Topics of Philosophy and Psychology
- Ethical dilemmas and moral philosophy
- Theories of mind and consciousness
- Human behavior and psychology
- Existentialism and human condition
- Philosophical discussions on life and death
CAT Exam Preparation Books for Philosophy and Psychology
- "The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values" by Sam Harris
- "Being and Time" by Martin Heidegger
- "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman
- "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl
- "The Republic" by Plato
Why you should read: To know ethical dilemmas and the intersection of science and human values, this is worthy book that bridges the gap between philosophy and science, exploring how moral philosophy can be grounded in scientific understanding.
Why you should read: To know deep philosophical discussions about life, death, and meaning, this is essential book that examines the nature of being, existence, and the human condition.
Why you should read: Written by a Nobel Prize-winning psychologist, this book explores theories of mind and consciousness, focusing on human behavior and decision-making processes. It’s crucial for understanding the psychological aspects of human thought.
Why you should read: To know the human condition and the psychological resilience needed to find purpose, this is crucial book that delves into existentialism, human behavior, and the search for meaning in life, especially in the face of suffering.
Why you should read: This classic work of philosophy explores ethical dilemmas, moral philosophy, and the nature of justice. It offers a foundational understanding of Western philosophy, particularly around the concepts of ethics and the human condition.
5. Topics of Politics and International Relations
- Global politics and diplomacy
- Democracy vs. authoritarianism
- War and peace studies
- Human rights and international law
- Political ideologies and their impact
Good CAT Books for Politics and International Relations
- The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx
- The International Human Rights Movement: A History Written by Aryeh Neier
- On War Witten by Carl von Clausewitz
- “Democracy in America Written”
- The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations
Why you should read: To know insights into how political ideologies shape societies and influence global politics, this is key book that is foundational for understanding political ideologies, particularly communism and socialism.
Why you should read: To know the global struggle for human rights and its legal foundations, this is integral book that provides a comprehensive history of the international human rights movement and includes the development of international law.
Why you should read: To know the strategic and philosophical aspects of warfare, this is important book that explores the nature of war, its causes, and its impact on international relations.
Why you should read: To know the contrast between democracy and authoritarianism, this is critical book that offers insights into the functioning of democratic systems and the challenges they face.
Why you should read: To know global political dynamics, this paramount book that introduces global politics and diplomacy, and covers the key concepts, theories, and contemporary issues in international relations.
6. Topics of Literature and Art
- Literary criticism and analysis
- Art history and movements
- Comparative literature
- Cultural influences on art and literature
- The role of literature in society
Good CAT Books for Literature and Art
- The Uses of Literature by Italo Calvino
- Ways of Seeing by John Berger
- The Story of Art by E.H. Gombrich
- Susan Bassnett’s Comparative Literature
- Literary Theory: An Introduction by Terry Eagleton
Why you should read: To know the broader impact of literature on culture and society, this is indubitable book that explores the role of literature in society and discusses how literature reflects and shapes the human experience.
Why you should read: To know the relationship between art, society, and cultural norms, this is core book that examines how we perceive art and the cultural influences that shape our understanding of it.
Why you should read: To know the evolution of art and its influence on society over time, this is vital book that covers major art movements and their cultural contexts.
Why you should read: To know the global and cross-cultural dimensions of literature, this is fundamental book that explores the field of comparative literature and examines how different literary traditions interact and influence each other.
Why you should read: To know the different lenses through which literature can be analyzed, this is crucial book that provides a comprehensive overview of various literary theories and methods of literary criticism.
7. Topics of History and Culture
- Historical events and their significance
- Cultural revolutions and movements
- Biographies of historical figures
- The impact of colonization and decolonization
- Evolution of human civilizations
Good CAT Books for History and Culture
- The Diary of a Young Girl
- “The Age of Revolution”
- “The Wretched of the Earth”
- “The Fates of Human Societies”
- “A People's History of the United States”
Why you should read: To know the human side of history and the experiences of those who lived through significant events, this is necessary book that offers a personal perspective on the impact of historical events, particularly the Holocaust.
Why you should read: To know the forces that drove significant historical changes during this period, this is vital book that provides a comprehensive overview of the major cultural and political revolutions that shaped the modern world.
Why you should read: To know the struggles and complexities of colonized peoples, this is necessary book that is a seminal text on decolonization, exploring the psychological and cultural impacts of colonization.
Why you should read: To know the broader patterns of history and cultural evolution, this is key book that explores the evolution of human civilizations and examines the factors that have shaped the development of societies worldwide.
Why you should read: To know historical events from a grassroots level and their long-term significance, this is imperative book that provides an alternative perspective on American history and focuses on the experiences of marginalized groups.
8. Topics of Environment and Ecology
- Climate change and its effects
- Conservation and wildlife protection
- Sustainable development and green energy
- Environmental policies and global impact
- Human interaction with nature
Common Admission Test books for Environment and Ecology
- Capitalism vs. The Climate”
- Written by Thomas L. Friedman “Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution – and How It Can Renew America”
- Written Elizabeth Kolbert “The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History”
- Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
- “The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming”
Why you should read: To know the complex relationship between economic systems and environmental impact, this is crucial book that examines how economic policies and capitalism intersect with environmental policies and also argues for a transformative approach to tackle climate change.
Why you should read: To know the role of sustainable practices in mitigating environmental degradation, this is very vital book that discusses the need for sustainable development and the transition to green energy in response to global environmental challenges.
Why you should read: To know the current environmental crisis, this is beneficial book that explores the concept of the sixth mass extinction caused by human activity and focuses on conservation, wildlife protection, and the broader implications of biodiversity loss..
Why you should read: To know the origins of the modern environmental movement and the importance of conservation, this is worthy book that discusses the adverse effects of pesticides on wildlife and ecosystems.
Why you should read: To know the severity of climate change and its global impact on both the environment and human societies, this is important book that provides a stark and comprehensive overview of the potential effects of climate change.
9. Topics of Education and Pedagogy
- The evolution of educational systems
- Pedagogical theories and practices
- The impact of technology on education
- Literacy and education in developing countries
- Educational reforms and policies
Good CAT Books for Education and Pedagogy
- “Teaching as a Subversive Activity”
- “The Death and Life of the GASS”
- The Globalization of Education: How the World is Changing Schools by Joel Spring
- Education for Sustainable Development: A Sourcebook by UNESCO
- Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire
Why you should read: To know innovative pedagogical theories and practices, this book is very effective that challenges traditional pedagogical approaches, advocating for more student-centered and critical thinking-based methods.
Why you should read: To know the complexities of educational reforms and policies, this is very helpful book that critiques recent educational reforms in the U.S. and discusses the impact of policies like standardized testing and charter schools.
Why you should read: To know how global forces shape educational practices & policies, and contemporary education, this is worthy book that examines the evolution of educational systems in the context of globalization.
Why you should read: To know the role of education in promoting sustainable development, this is vital book that discusses the integration of sustainability into educational practices and highlights the impact of technology and the importance of literacy in developing countries.
Why you should read: To know critical pedagogy and the dynamics of power in educational settings. This is important book that takes you through pedagogical theories and practices and emphasizes the role of education in liberation and social justice.
To complete the information, best test series for CAT and CAT mock test series free will be discussed in other blogs as that blog will analyze every aspect of test series and CAT Mocks
Our Teachers

Dr. G Ravindra Babu
Quant Faculty
Ph. D in Mathematics Asian International University|| Mathematics Professor at Gitam University || Ex-Mathematics Professor SRM University Amaravathi || MBA in finance Acharya Bangalore B School || GMAT Quant 51, CAT Quant 99.58 %tile, GRE Quant 170 || 21 Different Teaching Certification || Believe in “Education is the mother of leadership”
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Dr. Rengarajan Parthasarathy
CAT Faculty
Ph. D in Mathematics from YCM University|| Mathematics Professor at Symbiosis International|| Author of Business Ethics || Ex-CAT Exam Syllabus Advisor in IIM || MBA & MPM from Symbiosis International (Deemed University) || College Topper in Mathematics in Ferguson College || Six Scholarships in Mathematics || 15 Years CAT Coaching, GMAT Coaching and GRE Coaching Experience|| UGC NET Qualified || GMAT Q51, V38 & CAT Q 99.31 & DILR 99.38 %tile, GRE Quant 170 || Believe in “Higher Education Shapes The World.”
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Dr. Nisha Tejpal
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M. U. Mir
DILR & Quant Faculty
A subject expert in Quantitative Aptitude Training || GMAT Q 51 & CAT DILR 99.75 %tile || GATE 2020 Qualified || M. Tech & B. Tech University Toper (1st Rank) || Awarded by Gov of Odisha, Bihar and J& K for the project Magnetic Floating Model || Ex-Quant Subject Expert in Arihant Publication || An Educationist and Social Worker || Believe in “Education is power”
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C. S. Rajawat
CAT Faculty
M. A in Mathematics CCS University|| M. Tech from SRM University || Visiting Mathematics Faculty CCS University ||Experience of 11 Years of CAT Coaching || District Topper in 10th & 12th || Best Teacher Awardee in 2021 & 2022 || CAT Quant 99.43 %tile || Discovered a new Theorem based on HCF in Math || Founder of C. S. Classes ||Believe in “Teaching and Training is an Art.”
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Dr. S.K. Singh
Ph. D. English Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University || Delhi & Center Government School Mentor || Founder of Entrepreneur & Learning Startup || IELTS & CELTA Certified from British Council || PTE Certified from Pearson...
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MBA in HR International Institute of Management Sciences || PTE Certified from Pearson Test of English|| IELTS & CELTA Certified from British Council || BCA from Integral University || PTE 87 in 2017, IELTS 8.5 in 2018
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Jyoti Joshi
IELTS Trainer
Master in English (MA) and Bachelor in Education (B.Ed) || Certified Trainer || IELTS Speaking 9.0 Band holder || Believe in “Great teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning”
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English Language Expert || More than 3 years of Experience || M.A plus B. Ed Delhi University ||Author, Writer & Classical Singer|| Believe in “Language Language Learning & Teaching is Fun”
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Dilip Kumar Rathore
Quant Trainer
A business developer and genius in mathematics || Highly experienced || Master in Maths || well-verse in IT || Believe in “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discover”
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Imaam Hasan
Communication Expert
Master in English || Journalist and writer || Certified IELTS & PTE Trainer || A social educater and influencer || Believe in “Education is the movement from darkness to light”
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